You may be facing a transition in life; whether it be in work, relationships, menopause, midlife, illness, parenthood. You may be finding life challenging, or you may just wish to explore what really matters to you. You are in the right place. It is sometimes hard to find the time and space to tune in to what is really meaningful. Time Out For Transitions makes the space to pause and step back from the pressure of daily life or work. Whether it is a retreat or individual counselling together we create the conditions for you to connect to what is important.
"Transition is a natural process of disorientation and reorientation that marks the turning points... a natural process of self-renewal"
- William Bridges
In our programmes we offer both group retreats and individual sessions.
Our retreats use a powerful combination of physical practises and meditation (drawing on yoga and qi gong), stories and myths (as maps to the unconscious), time in nature, group processes (such as shadow and archetype work) and creativity. These processes and different ways of knowing help us to enquire into our inner landscape to find new possibilities and insights.They allow us to access other, sometimes deeper parts of ourselves beyond the noise of our internal dialogue. Being part of a group process can be empowering, rewarding and enriching as we witness each other and reclaim our own stories that have often been disowned or forgotten. We learn together and connect with one another, providing support and compassion.
Individual sessions with a qualified counsellor allow for time to really focus on ourselves and our specific issues, and provide ongoing structure and support.
Meeting Menopause
A six month programme including a weekend retreat and individual counselling sessions to provide support and resources for the psychological and emotional impact of this important life transition.
Weekend retreat 16th - 18th May 2025, Surrey
Bespoke Programme
We also offer bespoke programmes and retreats for existing women's circles or friend groups. If you are interested please contact us.
About Us
Sarah Sutcliffe is a BACP registered psychotherapeutic counsellor, as well as being a storyteller, community arts leader, filmmaker and executive coach. She is a great listener and intuitive problem solver. She is passionate about the power of stories to change people’s behaviour and brings an understanding of how we can connect and learn from them. Through traditional stories we can connect to ancient wisdoms and see ourselves from a new perspective. Through the telling and hearing of our own stories we can understand ourselves better and be empowered to make changes.
Fiona Bibby is a BACP registered psychotherapeutic counsellor, Integral coach, facilitator, and qualified yoga teacher. Her passion is people and how we navigate transitions to bring a fuller, more soulful version of ourselves to the world. Her work focuses on the mind, heart, body connection and how we make meaning of our own stories and our connection to the wider world. She brings her wide-ranging skills to different contexts: individual therapy, coaching, facilitation of group work and residential retreats. Fiona is known for her highly intuitive approach coupled with skills acquired in business, education and the performing arts. She has more than 20 years experience working internationally with senior leaders and coaching individuals across a wide range of sectors.
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